Geonosis Jumpsuit

Padmé wears her battle outfit when her and Anakin leave Tatooine, then when they get caught in the Droid Factory, and then when they are going to be executed which leads into the start of the clone wars on Geonosis.

"Padmé's Action Outfit started out life as a costume with no midriff at all. I thought of it as somewhat equivalent to Leia in the slave outfit. George checked with Natalie and we got the go-ahead for a costume that gets ripped off across her midriff."
-Concept Artist Dermot Power (Episode II)

(click on the image to view its gallery)


Movie Stills:



FIDM Exhibit Pictures:

Behind the Scenes:

High Resolution:

Concept Art:

Interestingly enough you will notice in the concept art that there was once a hooded headdress in this costume. If you look closely in the DVD you will still see Padmé holding it in the shot where they bury Shmi.

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